That's brilliant Frank. I have done my submission but here on holiday in Whanganui in a bookabach with a great library, I read some more about Parihaka and the Taranaki land grab via book about someones great grandfather and how farms were got. Sparing the details, it occurred to me as my wife was writing her submission just now.........it occurred to me how silly the notion of equality as used in the bill is. As you so rightly state.........there has been massive inequality in the treatment of Maori and their land, I reiterate THEIR land by the Crown since before 1880 and continuing. Taranaki is only one shocking instance. So Maori land is still caught in the leasing loop where the true owners have no rights and cannot break the cycle.

Equality is a convenient term for libertarians.........which we now know Atlas Network to be and the drivers via ACT of this bill. If the bill passes I do wonder about the equality or acts of waiting to be settled.............for Maori, and then the libertarian primacy of private ownership.......I can see existing land owned by Maori but leased in perpetuity from earlier times.......I can see that land not going back to its rightful owners............whether that be true or not............this notion of equality when the crown has ripped off Maori and told bare faced lies.............I am found wondering......yeah....equality for who..........

Bob Marley is so right here..........and it applies. If you know your history, you wouldn't say who the heck do you think I am.

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Yup. I think Atlas Network has had a part of some description to play here.

After all, remove Māori as one of the signatories to te Tiriti and all barriers to privatising water and other assets are sweopt away.

Coupled with Act's outrageous Regulatory Standards Bill and their nefarious agenda stands out with greater clarity.

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Richard Shaw’s book, The Forgotten Coast?

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I just found Turangawaewae, Identity & Belonging In Aotearoa New Zealand on the same bookshelf. I notice Richard Shaw is one of the editiors. Now that book is being opened.

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Yes that very one……

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Excellent research Frank , David seems to completely forget his ancestry . To be equal there must be equity first.

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Indeed, Levi. It's a bit rich for Minister Seymour to be banging the drum for "equality for all" after Māori have been methodically stripped of their land for the last 150 years.

I guess for neo-liberals like him, equality begins only AFTER an entire society has been pillaged of their natural wealth.

But my suspicion is that his "equality for all" is defined by Māori being targetted by rapacious corporations and billionaire oligarchs, just like the rest of us.

Once upon a time we (collectively) owned assets like telecommunications, the electricity network, forests, et al.

Where has Mr Seymour's "equality" got us? Public assets stripped from us.

Māori (and Tangata Tiriti) have every reason to view the Act Party's agenda with deep suspcion. No good will come of their machinations.

(Whew, that's my rant over. Must have a cuppa and a lie down...)

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I like your comment … AFTER the pillage, precisely.. do they really have short memories? No.

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For all intent and purpose - despite David’s Maori whakapapa - he is more Pakeha but entirely of a colonising / racist mindset!

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Yup. Every time Mr Seymour brings up the subject of his Māori heritage - especially when he is standing in front of a camera or microphone - I think to myself, "Yeah, buddy, only when it suits you and you want to put a korowai of respectability over your Atlas Network agenda..."

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We have brown Pakeha, and white Maori, I was taught years ago. I guess you choose which ancestry you align with. I am choosing my ancestry of a previous lifetime.

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Good on you for your excellent ‘on point’ submission and highlighting Seymour / ACTs duplicity!

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Thanks, Paul. I tried to make it a shorter version of my earlier blogpost.

One thing that realy p*sses me of is that - as Emily Writes pointed out - these submissions are closing during the Holiday Period. If I was cynically minded, I'd be suspicious that this rotten government had done it deliberately to minimise public input (and reduce media scrutiny).

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No question that is the case Frank. By allowing this to even get to this stage makes National and NZ First just as duplicitous as ACT. I’m quite sure Luxton agrees with Seymour on this in spite of his stating they won’t support it further. He is just as beholden to the Atlas network.

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I think you are correct re the timing of the closing of submission.

I wrote an 8 page submission on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill. I used Emily Writes paper on making a submission and information linked such as the FAQ paper ‘Together for Te Tiriti’ written by Dr Carwyn Jones legal and Te Tiriti of Waitangi expert. I also used Dr Catherine Knights submission. I also used my own viewpoint of the implementation of the Treaty Principles in the resolution of the fisheries issues in Northland at a time in the 80s when I was working for DoC. Racial tensions were high at the time and the resolution of the fisheries issues via the Waitangi Tribunal and the High Court and subsequent legislation led to good outcomes for Maori and for all people of Aotearoa New Zealand. Racial tensions were ameliorated. Maori achieved economic and environmental gains through leasing quota under the Quota Management System.

I think all of us that Oppose the TPB and the RSB should put in a submission and collectively those submissions that take the opposing position give weight to the heavy lifters like Jane Kelsey RSB who can best express and debate the nuances of the bills and state strong verbal opposing opinions at the select committee hearings!

We have a significant war on democracy led by Seymour an ideologue of the Extreme Right’ International Atlas Network organisation! We must collectively fight strongly and aggressively to win.

Libertarian / Neoliberal values have NO place in Aotearoa New Zealand’s social democratic society and one in which Te Tiriti is honoured!

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And let’s remind everyone that submissions on the despicable Regulatory Standards Bill have to be in by 13 Jan.

Let’s hope parliament has got its systems working before then.

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Next on my "Shopping List" of subs to make, the Regulatory Standards Bill. Plus the Health Ministry's public request for provision of puberty blockers for young trans people. (An odd request to make from the public. You'd think it would be a personal matter between a physician and client...)

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Well done, a great shake down!

I agree re equity; that is David’s big omission!

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Oh, and isn't it funny...

Minister Seymour has probably never attended a land protest, to resist further alienation of Māori lands...

But, he sure hoofed it down as fast as his little legs could carry him to the Parliamentary occupation in 2022! I guess there were some kindred-spirits at that event.

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i think so, Leonie. I believe he falls down spectacularly on that point.

It's a wonder no one in our esteemed Fourth Estate has asked Minister Seymour if he's ever attended any struggles such as the occupation at Ihumātao. If not, why not? (After all, our David is supposedly a staunch defender of property rights...)

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Agree 💯.. he is a sly one.

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oh my gordon bennett how i wish a massive and ugly painful demise for the ugly shitstain that is skidmark seymour and his trashy ilk...phuck off and twerk your mongrel miserable way into hell you phuckstain on humanity ..i couldn't loathe a bag of rotting snot even more than i do you..although there is a fuckton more dipshit males on this earth that are in the foul bag you inhabit.. lets start with trump musk putin netanyahu murdoch mcconnel, thiel luxon farage empty green p[eters shane jones and the other phuckshit jones alexrshame cigaretti et al the wandering jew lester levy jeebus gawd i could go on pretty much ad finitum.. so phuckin sick of the greed and corruption at the alter of $$$$$$ at the expense of human life..

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Originally posted on BlueSky:

What would a Remuera toff think, if an iwi/tribe drilled for oil & gas on their carefully mown lawn while taking all the profits & without asking for permission?

The inverse is the basic idea behind the Treaty Principles Bill, Regulatory Standards Bill, & Fast Track Bill.

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