I used to think that Seymour was a clever ideologue, but having discovered his long term relationship with the Atlas Network I think he is more a kiwi version of the Manchurian Candidate. He is just a foot soldier for neoliberalism but brings a particularly nasty dislike of people not like him. Hypocrisy is not a sin for these people - just an opportunity!
I think his true colours are well and truly nailed to the metaphorical mast, Keith. His "cutesy" persona is well long gone. It won't be long before he is viewed like an American Republican politician - with distaste - by much of the voting public.
Christopher Luxon got to be Prime Minister, with all the entitlements that come with the position (barring the one he reluctantly returned). That seems to be all he cares about. He looks out for number one. The rest of us just have to look out.
And more still to come, Mark. National campaigned on scrapping free medical prescriptions. I wonder how that will go down with the public as landlords tax breaks are reinstated? Especially with the "cost of living crisis" National thrashed last year!
I don't think Mr Seymour can twerk enough to overcome the true colours he's showing us. That moment has passed.
His Trumpian nastiness may appeal to a small percentage of the population, but not to the extent he believes. (Ye gods, I hope not!)
More importantly though, is how Mr Luxon is dealing with his Coalition partners' leaders. That *WILL* reveal a lot about lis leadership to the general electorate.
Well, Clare, it looks like Mr Luxon's impotence is borne out by his approach to the ACT leader's behaviour at his post-Cabinet Press Coference...
" Luxon says he has not spoken to David Seymour about his comments about a TVNZ journalist last week.
However, he says "that to me didn't meet the criteria of what you'd expect from a broadcasting minister, or in this case a minister of the Crown.
Seymour as Associate Finance Minister is a shareholding minister for TVNZ.
Luxon says all politicians have issues with the media but he thinks the media does a good job and plays an important role.
"From my point of view, those comments, he's right to express his view as he wishes, as do any politician, often does. With respect to being shareholding minister I don't think he's actually contravened that at this point."
Asked if it's appropriate for Seymour as a shareholding minister to be criticising an independent editorial decision, Luxon says he has not seen those particular remarks. "
Which shouldn't take too long, David. He's certainly handing them enough "ammunition" . It'll be interesting to see how his actions are reflected in the polls(which have dropped recently).
Are there enough RW reactionaries in Aotearoa for ACT, NZFirst, and National ?
I used to think that Seymour was a clever ideologue, but having discovered his long term relationship with the Atlas Network I think he is more a kiwi version of the Manchurian Candidate. He is just a foot soldier for neoliberalism but brings a particularly nasty dislike of people not like him. Hypocrisy is not a sin for these people - just an opportunity!
I think his true colours are well and truly nailed to the metaphorical mast, Keith. His "cutesy" persona is well long gone. It won't be long before he is viewed like an American Republican politician - with distaste - by much of the voting public.
Pleased with this expose! Thank you Frank, look forward to seeing more of your work…
Thanks, Judith. I have more to write about... it's the time that I need to set aside. Plus a bathroom to renovate...
Good piece, Frank.
Christopher Luxon got to be Prime Minister, with all the entitlements that come with the position (barring the one he reluctantly returned). That seems to be all he cares about. He looks out for number one. The rest of us just have to look out.
And more still to come, Mark. National campaigned on scrapping free medical prescriptions. I wonder how that will go down with the public as landlords tax breaks are reinstated? Especially with the "cost of living crisis" National thrashed last year!
Very well said Frank. Seymour with some real power is showing his true colours and they are all Atlas mixed and provided.
I don't think Mr Seymour can twerk enough to overcome the true colours he's showing us. That moment has passed.
His Trumpian nastiness may appeal to a small percentage of the population, but not to the extent he believes. (Ye gods, I hope not!)
More importantly though, is how Mr Luxon is dealing with his Coalition partners' leaders. That *WILL* reveal a lot about lis leadership to the general electorate.
Two pathetic little men
hollow as
Well, Clare, it looks like Mr Luxon's impotence is borne out by his approach to the ACT leader's behaviour at his post-Cabinet Press Coference...
" Luxon says he has not spoken to David Seymour about his comments about a TVNZ journalist last week.
However, he says "that to me didn't meet the criteria of what you'd expect from a broadcasting minister, or in this case a minister of the Crown.
Seymour as Associate Finance Minister is a shareholding minister for TVNZ.
Luxon says all politicians have issues with the media but he thinks the media does a good job and plays an important role.
"From my point of view, those comments, he's right to express his view as he wishes, as do any politician, often does. With respect to being shareholding minister I don't think he's actually contravened that at this point."
Asked if it's appropriate for Seymour as a shareholding minister to be criticising an independent editorial decision, Luxon says he has not seen those particular remarks. "
Brilliantly put he isa dangerous little man. Obviously money men have made him feel bigger than he is and he does their bidding
Which shouldn't take too long, David. He's certainly handing them enough "ammunition" . It'll be interesting to see how his actions are reflected in the polls(which have dropped recently).
Are there enough RW reactionaries in Aotearoa for ACT, NZFirst, and National ?
Indeed, David.
Case in point: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/huge-protest-says-no-to-mining-on-conservation-land/4IW7LEDGSMHOAAEXDEPQ6SA7ZI/