Oh I’m surprised by this. The Curia / NZ Taxpayers Union Poll - which has been discredited by the Research Association of NZ usually has a Right Wing slew, deliberately to enhance people’s perception of the Right!

For National and ACT to take such a big tumble in the Curia Poll is extraordinary! The people of Aotearoa NZ are very unhappy with the Govt. The Govt is clearly empowering the Corporates at the expense of ordinary people and that’s not sitting comfortably with a great chunk of people! Let’s hope this trend for National and ACT is terminal!

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Hi Paul,

Yes, I'm aware of David's situation with his company.

The fact that his polling shows a drop for the Party he supports (National) suggests he's not "fiddling" the figures. Other polls last year also reflected National's collapse with voters, so that's another indicator his polling is not rigged.

I think your comment "The Govt is clearly empowering the Corporates at the expense of ordinary people and that’s not sitting comfortably with a great chunk of people!" - has merit. The tax depreciation for landlords, whilst our healthcare system is in trouble, has certainly not gone un-noticed by people. Media headlines make certain of that.

The Big Question now is, will NZ First be dragged down along with National? Thus far NZF has escaped that political "shrapnel". But for how long?

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Obviously Gordon Williams NZTaxpayers Union is NOT reading the room. His desire to go harder to further implement neoliberalism to make NZ a leading country for neoliberalism to thrive may prove to be catastrophic - let’s hope so!

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Sadly I'm still skeptical.

This is why. Newstalk ZB have a slew of right-wing hosts trumpeting the current Govt.

And they have the most listeners' ears in NZ radio.

This made me really angry:

"Hosking is certainly New Zealand’s top radio broadcaster and a ratings phenomenon. It is inarguable that he drives an extremely loyal breakfast audience.

ZB has made huge gains over the years and especially since 2020, building a strong base of listeners on its hardline questioning about the previous Government’s Covid response."

So his whole show is based around bagging the previous Govt (who have been gone for over a year now). As is HDP Allen's show.

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Oh please may this trend continue so long as Winnie blows things apart and an early election is called. Those suffering the most need to be rescued quickly from this neo liberal bs. It didn’t work before and it won’t work now except for Atlas and the rich end of town.

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And thats not counting the effect of the kiwi voters offshore

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I’d love to believe the present government is heading over the cliff, but I can’t feel confident yet!

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I’ve always had a problem with the ‘country going in the right direction question’, the naysayers are actually on both sides of the bell curve. Please don’t tell Jordan Williams about the brake, just in case he ever is in a real car heading for a real cliff.

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New Zealanders are proving we are not to be underestimated. We do know what we want for this country and we have a "constitution" we abide by. We'vel just been slack and letting it all go for the last 10+ years. Hopefully the shift continues.

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